Moving beyond the crush of self doubt + Video

This past week I was flooded with self-doubt. It left me incapacitated in a way I hadn’t felt in years. All my old mind games came rushing in both to tell me truly soul-crushing things and that I had to figure my way out, now! The result was a wild spin out that I’m just…
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Pouring yourself into life + Video

Do you know what it feels like in your body to pour yourself into whatever you’re doing? I do. And I also know how awful it feels when I don’t. Contracted. Dissatisfied. Directionless. It’s been months now that I’ve been actively seeking my next offerings. I’ve researched, had conversations, signed up for online marketing courses,…
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Cultivating your will + Video

Last week was intense. The news of political events left me…well, what can I say? After the brutal anti-abortion laws passed in a few of the Southern states in the U.S., it felt like someone had kicked me in my womb, and I couldn’t kick back. I wandered around my newly-planted life in Los Angeles…
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Healing Energy of Fresh Wounds

Yesterday, I fell down. Hard. It had been pouring rain in Bali all night long, and despite choosing my steps carefully, I was not careful enough. Right foot shot out from under me, right bum harshly stopped by the lower step and my mid-back bounced off the upper one multiple times. I knew I had…
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Shifting Shame + Video

There are times when I don’t recognize the little moments of shame. The shoves and bruises to my sense of self and place in the world that can happen during my day. It’s so much easier to recognize it when something big happens – a rejection, a failure, a complete denial. Those moments knock us…
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