Release trauma from your body,
let go of old behaviour patterns.
Start a new story.
The body as a way to unlock the past

The body as a way to unlock the past
In my private sessions I work with you to connect to your body as a way to change physical and emotional patterns that play out today. You’ll be able to feel where you hold effort and trauma in your muscles, posture, breath and old ways of thinking and feeling.
Your body shows you where trauma got stuck. And as you gain a deeper ability to drop into and feel your body, along with new sensations, emotional flow and space, you’ll gain momentum and energy to let go of your past and have more freedom and choice.
The different traumas we hold in our body
Physical Trauma
Accidents, operations, strenuous exercise, sitting at a desk all day, lack of exercise or movement. Physical trauma is obvious in the body because it hurts or feels tight or weak. When it gets to this point, it’s a strong signal that something has to change.
Emotional Trauma
Heartbreak, grief, sadness, terror, shame, fear of abandonment, fear of failure, humiliation, loneliness, Emotional traumas stay locked in the body. When they’re triggered by a new incident, the old trauma from the past comes alive, as if the trauma were happening today.
Other Trauma
Victims of violence, sexual abuse, emotional manipulation, natural disasters, world events.
These types of trauma alter our sense of personal power, what is safe and what is real. They can paralyze one’s ability to manage life and move toward a future.
Old trauma vs recent trauma
Many of our traumas stay deeply buried inside of us, until something triggers them today. When this happens, we physically respond as we have done in the past, because in the past this coping mechanism kept us safe. So even though you may be a grown woman in her 30’s, when you are hurt, it can trigger a physical body reaction from when you were 5 that you aren’t yet able to mentally or consciously control.
You end up repeating your past today, recreating new traumas that validate it and keep things the same.
When we were young, we were learning how to be in the world, how to feel, what was safe, who would care, where to go. Most of our learning happened through the body. So, when something big occurred – parents fighting, a sibling messing with us, people we loved leaving, accidents physically harming us, schoolmates bullying us, and other more powerful and frightening events, our younger bodies felt every cut, twist, punch, humiliation and threat intimately. Sometimes it was too much for us to handle.
We had to protect ourselves, and we did this with our bodies. We held our breath, squeezed our stomachs, contracted our muscles tightly and shut down what we felt. We reduced our experience to make it more manageable for our younger selves. Each time we did this, the trauma got further buried inside of us, and our response became more automatic and less conscious.
The damage today is that we not only shrank our experience, we shrank ourselves. Without a change in our physical and emotional responses, we repeat the past and we remain stuck.

Without a change in our physical and emotional responses, we repeat
the past and we remain stuck.
Schedule for Bodywork Sessions
If you have 12 or more friends who would like to attend a workshop, get in touch and I’ll see if I can pop by your city on my next tour. I always schedule extra days for bodyworks sessions in each city.
How long does a session last?
Typically 60 minutes. 90-minute sessions are available on request.
What do I need to wear to a session?
You can come as you are. If you are more comfortable fully clothed, this is no problem. Most sessions are conducted with partial clothing or undergarments.
Is there any preparation to do before a session?
Do your best not to eat much up to 2 hours prior to a session.
What can I expect from a session?
In an initial session, we identify something in your life you wish to change or shift. This can be a physical condition, recurring situation or area of your life where you feel stuck or challenged. We identify how this is held in your body. Then the bodywork portion of the session begins. There is feeling the body, letting go of muscles, breathing, paying attention and then rest.
Do you work with chronic illness and injuries?
I do and have for many years. However, if you have a strong condition, it’s best we arrange a Skype consultation prior to scheduling a session.
How many sessions can I have?
If time and availability permits 2-3 sessions is ideal. You can receive 2 sessions in one day, but the minimum amount of time between the 2 sessions is 4 hours.
Do you offer follow up sessions?
When I am in your country, definitely. If you’d like a personal training to continue your own development, I also offer Skype sessions.
These have to be scheduled directly with me, as they depend on my travel schedule and time zones.
What is the cancellation policy?
You may cancel your session(s) up to 2 weeks prior to the scheduled date(s) for a full refund less any credit card or Paypal processing fees. In some cases, the room rental fees are hourly and non-refundable. This will also be deducted, if this is the case.
Cancellations less than two weeks prior to your session(s) are non-refundable. You may transfer the scheduled session onto a friend 48 hours prior by emailing marcela@fierceembodiment.com. In this case, full contact details must be provided.